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Project Eden: There was a glitch near the end of the game that prevented me from beating it. The game would freeze there every time and i had a quick save 5 seconds before it would freeze.
OMG! Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness........Woooo! *sighs* That game was one big glitch. Within 3 mins of turn the game on and toying around with the controls, I stand on a ledge above the Dog in the alley. While standing there and looking around, I didn't realise it at first but my energy bar was decreasing. My guess is that the Dog's programming aloud him to bite Lara from 5 virtual feet below her. Then there's the Wall hugging glitch where Lara Shifts through the wall and reappears with half her energy bar gone. Next up is the freeze up. When it's raining or clear, for no apparent reason, the frame rate almost crashes to a hault. Lara's controls seemed horribly unfinished. Better slightly than the original games but still. If I'm not mistaken, I believe there was a glitch that stopped the characters mouths from moving with there words. Other sound effects would vanish and appear later. Delayed reaction to injury. I shot a skeleton point blank with a Shotgun 3 seconds later, he falls to the floor and I'm like WTF!? When the skeleton slice toward me, and didn't touch me, 3 seconds later, Lara yells ouch and I lose energy. The last boss requires you to switch targets, now this is not a glitch in game but it's still annoying and messed up, There's a typo in the Instruction manual that tells you the wrong button to press for target switching.
Last but not least, the most craziest, wierdest WTF glitch of all time. When you're at the museum stalking around and you go outside dosneak through the windows, I made Lara straddle the wall so she wouldn't fall off the ledge. Then I let go of the analog stick. OMG, Lara magically floated vertically straight up the wall and off screen!! I was like OMG WTF!? I pushed down on the stick and she magically came back down. At this point I used her new found flying ability to get into a window she norally couldn't reach from the outside.
I wish that one day they remake this game in it's entirety. The game could have been on of the greatest Lara games ever if every thing I mentioned was fixed. I only played through it because mydumb ass bought it day 1 for $50. I traded it in and the new one had the same glitches.
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