This is a surprise.
Play Magazine - 10
If ever there was a pure gamer's game, Darksiders is it.
IGN AU - 9
A great action RPG. Solid, ever-evolving combat meets solid, ever-evolving puzzles in some really evocative environments. There are a few clumsy or lacklustre moments – the flying sequence is dull, for instance, and this isn't in any way a revolutionary game, but it is good fun and it is well-designed.
IGN UK - 8.9
It's bold and recklessly inventive in ways that games rarely are these days, and virtually ever[y] aspect of Darksiders shines with quality, making for an experience that, while not exactly original, still feels fresh, satisfying and, above all else, enjoyable.
Game Informer - 8.5
Even without a clear narrative purpose, Darksiders never wavers from being an enjoyable adventure. I had a blast playing it, and strangely enough, the obvious nods to other games added to the fun. Despite a lame last boss fight, the setup planted for the sequel has me counting the days until it arrives.
The problem? It's coming out the same week as Bayonetta, which will be a tough competition. Still, looks like this is another action/adventure game that maybe worth cheking out!
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