I helluva liked the first game, so I am more than happy about the announcement! You can read the news flash here: http://www.gladriel.com/newsFull/content/6051/Need-for-Speed-Shift-2-Announced/
I agree. Shift was great and the first high quality game in the series since Carbon. And for those who want cop chases, Criterion is making Hot Pursuit. What's not to like?
shift was alright gott boring in my opinion forza 3 was way more amazing and i can not wait for gran turismo 5 and next year i believe that turn10 is coming out with a new forza they said something about at e3
I liked the first game too, many cynical people claim it's a cheap shot from the NFS franchise but damn they got it pretty right in my opinion, and with a second one coming i'm sure they can find something to improve upon.
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