I;m sure we all saw the bombshell of the day!!
News4Gamers reports that stranglehold for the PS3 will be delayed indefinitely !!! its still on track for the 360.
wow that huge news!
surely there must be ram issues right?
the install base still an issue?
is the PS3 really too hard to program for??
this sheds some light on the gta4 issue ....right?
wrong! most recent headline....
"Stranglehold's PS3 delay ONLY for Euro version. US version still on track for September 17."
""This is for the Euro version BTW. I received that press release also. As of last night, Midway North America informed us that:
The full version of Stranglehold is currently expected to ship on August 27th for the Xbox 360 and PC, and September 17th for the PlayStation 3. PC and PlayStation 3 demos coming soon. "
"To be thorough, I just contacted Midway U.S. and got the following response:
I can confirm that Stranglehold is shipping on 8/27 for X360 and PC and 9/17 for PS3 here in the U.S. If you have any questions, please let me know. "
heres what kotaku had to add to this misinformation:
"We're not sure exactly when we'll see Stranglehold for PS3, but it's been pushed back from a soft date of September 17th to ??? within 2007.
Following rumors that GTAIV was delayed for PS3 programming issues, it brings to question, again, the merit of releasing the same games on multiple next get systems. The Xbox 360, Wii and PS3 are a pile of incompatible hardware. And something tells me that most $30 million game developers would like to see their return on more than one console."
well never let it be said that Kotaku didnt rush to chum the waters of the fanboy ocean....all for click-revenue
not only should these sites retract their stories and update them with the correct information....which they assuredly will do...some half day later.....they should have to apologize to PS3 gamers and owners for posting headlines of this magnitude.....without doing any of the research GS,1UP,IGN obviously did.
how many PS3 gamers today had their morning ruined by this news or the following fanboy parade ?
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