I think what used to constitute the term console is dead, and has been replaced by something much closer to a PC. I think that's where a lot of the griping is coming from. It seems like every time I turn one of these things on, it wants to do something other than PLAY A GAME. It wants to update, or it wants to sell me something, or it wants to not work at all.
The best way to learn the ins and outs of having a trouble-free PC is to build your own. A month looking at forums like guru3d, extremesystems, arstechnica, and you will easily gain a working knowledge of how to build, fix, and maintain a really good gaming PC. You'll learn when to avoid or ignore when it wants to update (like turning off auto updates for one) or do other things. Being such a well-versed gaming connoisseur you owe it to yourself, because your missing out on a lot. A whole lot. Just stay away from Vista atm. And I'm not a PC fanboy; I get accused of being a xbot far more often ;)
Right now, you'd probably be a lot happier just formatting your hard-drive and reinstalling XP. That will solve 90% of your problems right there.
Look at my system: I built it early 2002, put $300 in it for a new GPU and CPU ($100 for a cpu that was originally $1300) early this year, and it's still chugging along. I'm due for a new build (but I spent all my money on a new TV intstead lol ), but I'm still able to play new games like World in Conflict, The Witcher (incredible game), even Crysis on medium-ish settings.
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