What are 3 of your mostfavorite Sega Saturn games and why?
Here's 3 of mine:
Astal:A great Sega platformer, the features terrific graphics and great gameplay. it's fallenthoughthe cracks of sorts, but it's a great gem. It surprised me the most, as I was expectinga elsser game,but the gameplay is rock solid.
Last Bronx, a fast paced Sega Weapons fighter. It got some bad reviews back then, but really it's a fun fighting game. I juts love the fast pace action, especially for an early 3D fighter as it is.
Nights, well..the gameneeds no introduction, but its a must have for any Sega Saturnowner. :P I love it, was glad I got it, and is my most played Sega Saturn game.
So now, legacy gamers, what are your 3 most favorite Sega Saturn games?
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