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My favorite game is Kingdom Hearts 2 because I believe the main story is great. Then again, so is Final Fantasy X's and VII's, VI's and IV's is as well as IV. XII didn't have the best story, but it had what I thought was the best gameplay.
And right now I'm watching Braveheart for the first time and it makes me think that if The Legend of Zelda had a story told like this, or any game for hat matter, a game that was so character driven with the political stuff affecting them so much, then that could possibly be the greatest game ever to me.
it was mgs2 for a long time, but mgs4 recently took the crown. the atmosphere of being in a warzone is amazing. bullets fly past your head, buildings crumble all around you, and soldiers are constantly dieing.
the gameplay has the most variety in the series. cqc is useful again (damn mgs3). you can also plan sneaking routes for the larger maps. shooting your way through is a viable option in many situations as well if you are so inclined.
i could go on for a while on the story and characters, but suffice to say that they are worth the price of admission.
My personal top 5 goes like this (entirely my opinion, I'm not saying they are the greatest, just my personal favorite):
1. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
2. Paper Mario (N64)
3. Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga (GBA)
4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
5. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)
Man, this makes it seem like I only enjoy modern games, which is untrue.
I have to say its a tie between
Chrono Trigger-So far the last greatest game made by Squaresoft/Square Enix (seems they've gone down hill since the merger), love the storyline/characters and also prolly has one of the best soundtracks ever.
Shadow of the Colossus-truely amazing game,amazing details for a PS2 game and so far theres really nothing like it in any other video game.
Timesplitters Future Perfect is my fav game of all time!! Single player was great. Multi player Awesome and tons of content and things unlockables so the game will last for ages. 150 charecters in all.zaid55
I agree. I spend so long doing the challenge where you had to break all the glass on the level with a brick.
[QUOTE="zaid55"]Timesplitters Future Perfect is my fav game of all time!! Single player was great. Multi player Awesome and tons of content and things unlockables so the game will last for ages. 150 charecters in all.Boba_Fett_3710
I agree. I spend so long doing the challenge where you had to break all the glass on the level with a brick.
Timesplitters Future Perfect is my fav game of all time!! Single player was great. Multi player Awesome and tons of content and things unlockables so the game will last for ages. 150 charecters in all.zaid55
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