There's nothing like playing with your buddies. Or is there? Are online games your preferred experience? Are you old-school and prefer splitscreen? Out of those simple categories arises a vast list of good (and not so good) games with multiplayer components. If you're able to possibly choose just one, what is it? What's your best multiplayer experience?
Mine is with TimeSplitters: Future Perfect. With so many characters, weapons, and maps it's as good as splitscreen multiplayer can get, and with four players it's an absolute blast. Couple four players with tons of bots and an unlimited time and you have pure insanity. Online just can't compensate for the feeling of having your friends in the same room, which is why I always liked splitscreen more (although my scars scream for me to change my ways.) And with so much to do in TimeSplitters: Future Perfect, my buddies and I must have spent hours upon hours playing TimeSplitters.
Well, that's mine. What's yours?
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