Mine are: In no particular order.
Nintendo 64
- Golden eye
- Perfect Dark
- Super maria 64
- Metal Mayhem (Something like that.)
- Star wars Rouge Leader: Rouge Squadron 2
- Resident Evil Remake
- Luigis mansion
- Super Mario Sunshine
- WWE Day of reckoning
- Resident Evil 4
Sega Mega Drive/ Genesis
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Toe Jam an earl
- Earth Worm Jim
- Alien Storm
- Contra Hardcorps
- Ninja Gaiden Black Edition
- Halo Combat Evolved
Playstation 1
- Silent hill
- Syphon filter
- Rayman
- Resident Evil franchise Includes 1,2,3 not survivor.
- Metal Gear Solid
- MediEvil
- Grand Theft Auto
Playstation 2
- Max payne 1,2
- Metal gear solid snake eater
- Splinter Cell chaos theory
- Hitman: Silent Assassin
- GTA Vice City, GTA 3
- Silent Hill 2
- Killzone
Xbox 360
- Elderscrolls franchise, Skyrim,Oblivion
- Mass effect 1
- Fallout 3
- RedDead Redemption
- Left 4 dead
- Dead Rising
- Condemned (First one.)
- Dead space 1
- Assassins Creed 2
- Deus Ex Human Rev
- Hitman Blood money
- Bioshock 1
- Stranglehold
Playstation 3
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Uncharted 1 and 2
- Killzone 2
- Ratchet and clank: Tools of destruction
- Half life Franchise
- Farcry
- Unreal tournament 2004
- Rome total war
- Doom
- Quake
- Swat 4
- Crysis
- BrokenSword
- Counter Strike Source
- Mafia: City of lost heaven
- F.E.A.R 1
My fav games in all:
- Resident evil 2
- Silent hill 2
- Dead space
- Mass effect
- Max payne
- Metal Gear solid
- Farcry
- GTA vice city
Best games i've ever played are:
- Mafia City of lost heaven
- GTA Vice city
- Farcry
- Condemned
Now i'd like to know your favourite games from past to present on the consoles or on the PC's you've owned. If your old enough you could go back as far as the commodore and the magnavox.
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