When playing a particular fighting game, everyone seems to have their own approach. I'm gonna break them down into three parts:
1) Offensive: You're always the first one to attack. What you lack in defense you more than make up for while dealing heavy damage to your opponent. If you don't have a well polished foundation or pattern, then you're most likely just a button masher who blindly attacks their opponent.
2) Defensive: You're calm and collected while waiting for your opponent to attack. One false move on their part and you punish them with a parry or quick combo. These types of players usually fall short when they face characters they are unfamiliar with. Also, because they are not as aggressive, they run the chance of being predictable. If the opponent can see through your plan to counter attack, all they have to do is change tactics to throw you off your game.
3) Balanced: The most powerful out of the three approaches. You're both calculating and aggressive towards your opponent. What throws people off the most with players who use thisapproach is the fact that they are extremely unpredictable. They don't know whether you'll attack or defend. Only highly skilled players can effectively use this approach. Unskilled players just end up confusing themselves which leads to falling into the opponent's pace.
So which approach do you use successfully? If you're gonna say balance, then I assume you have a high rank to back it up. As for me, I'm an offensive type. I hate blocking, but I'll parry attacks if I get the chance. I try to be balanced, but I'm just not that skilled.
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