Hmm I renember my tv boy (plug in and play thing) but I think I played a demo of trolls on my dads pc before that (this is the trolls with funny hair and stuff when they were cool!) but my first console game was sonic 2 at a friends house, and since then I've been hooked.
I think it was some karate game I played on a tape-driveCommodore 64 back when I was like 5 or 6 I think. It was definately something on that C64. Got me started on my passion of video games (I'm 24 now)
Blimey I can't remember my very first but ones that stuck out are: Space invaders atari 2600 Pac Man on the atari 2600 (still rubbish at it even now) Asteroids on the atari Asteroids on the collecco (not sure if thats spelt right... but vector graphics at it's best!) Frogger on a ZX81 (which was before the ZX spectrum and only worked on a black and white TV!! It also had a massive 1k memory LOL)
Unfortunately I can not remember the first game I ever played. I have thought about it several times but the memories have never came back. My best guess is that I was probably about 2 years old and the game was for the old Amiga system. The earliest game I can remember playing is Tetris for the gameboy when I was 3 years old and then Super Mario World.
Man, my first game was back in 1980 and I can't remember which one was first, but I remember the first home sytem I played was a Atari 2600 with Pac-Man at my Aunt's place.
First videogame I ever played was semi-mechanical thing at a funfair, where you had to drive a plastic formula car up against a downward scrolling screen, avoiding other cars. It featured a top-down view, and used those coloured stickers to produce the illusion of colour. The first game I ever owned, was Zaxxon for the C64.
Well it's all a bit hazy but it must have been Pacman, Phoenix and Pong on a neighbour's Atari 2600 (soon after that I started frequenting the local arcade). The first video game I ever owned was a casio handheld (game & watch knock-off sort of thing) called Kung Fu which was borrowed and never returned by a kid at school. The first console I ever owned was a generic Atari 2600 with 16 games built-in :D. I still have it somewhere.
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