Do you have any good Ideas for games or are working on a game? Please tell a little about your idea for a game/game project. Here are 2 of my games which I think I might get groups to help me with:
Metroid Prime: Source - An Online Multiplayer version of Metroid Proime for GC with the Metroid Prime UI and all of the visors to improve gameplay. This game would obviously be created on the Source engine which was the engine used in games such as Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike Source.
My next game has no title yet. I can't think of a good title yet. But my idea is a Smash Bros-esque game where you create your own characters and you would get to customize you character to your liking with with around 500 Basic Moves and around 100 different Special Moves and all different clothes, weapons, and if you would get to a far enogh level in the game (The game would have an EXP/Leveling system), you could unlock different types of characters (You would only be able to make Human Characters at the beginning).
So, do you have any game ideas/game projects?
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