I tend to block out my experiences with System Shock 2... so from what I remember, probably two events in STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl.
The first, and scariest, was probably when I was in a sewer, slowly making my way along, only to hear a Bloodsucker off in the distance. Knowing that those mother****ers are completely invisible and can sneak up behind you quite easily, I made my way around the room with my back to the wall and my sawed-off loaded with slugs in front of me. After making it near the end of the room, I see off back where I came from, a visible Bloodsucker that was in the middle of the room looking around... then, as I was turning a corner around a post, BAM, second Bloodsucker right in my face. I was wearing headphones at the time, and was caught entirely off guard. Any more jump from my body and I would have fallen out of my chair.
As for "unsettling" moments, that is, not jump-scary (like most horror games think "scary" is about), came when I first entered the Lab X18. The combination of the ambient music, the emptiness and the eventual lifting and tossing of boxes by an unseen force put me off playing the game for a couple months. I ran out of the lab, saved and turned the game off, only to come back about three months later, trudge in there, blast some Snorks and eventually meet up with a Flesh deep inside the lab. And then went on to finish the game (and get one of the worst endings :?).
Either way... no game has ever scared or unsettled me as much as STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl (or System Shock 2, its been about 3years and I've still to go back to it). Games like Dead Space, Resident Evil 4 and all these other so-called "horror" games are just a misrepresentation of the genre of horror. Horror is about dread, not being startled. You are supposed to not want to move forwards, you are supposed to be forced to run in fear from everything around you... having grotesque creatures constantly jumping out at you isn't "horror." Which is probably why I find Doom 3 almost comical sometimes.
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