I don't make topic's very often but this one I wanted some opinions from. What is Replay-Value to you? The endgame bonus? The extra difficulties? The trophies? or the Gamer points? Reading a recent post about Dead Space reminded me of what Replay-Value truly meant to me. For one, I determine the purchase of a game based ON it's replay value. I am not talking about Oblivion, Morrowind, or Fallout 3. those games are built on the method of Replay, which is a good thing.(Its makes since because their worlds are rather large and "free" to explore). What about games that dont have that advantage? Games that sacrifice freedom for a more Linear, in-depth path. Ninja Gaiden series, Devil May cry series, Stuff like Call of Duty, Halo, all of those. (I am not saying any of these games are straight up linear or shallow by any means, just trying to get my idea across).
For example: Back on the post about Dead Space, one person said, Yea. its an awesome game to play and finish ( I agree ) but theirs not much replay-value. Another responded, Get the trophies, theirs your replay-value. To me, these Ideas of points and trophies are pretty cool, but really just cheap gimicks to give you an incentive to keep playing it. (Just my opinion). Everyone is different, but for me, when I beat Dead Space, the surprise Factor is gone. If I play it again, i know exactly whats going to happen. This is simply not the case when I first played Capcoms Devil May Cry years before. I beat that on normal first. ok. Awesome game. action packed. Great. Whatever. I decided to play it on hard. So what. same thing. harder enemys. WRONG. With the harder difficulty came NEW, DIFFERENT, ENEMIES. With their own cut scenes, thus keeping the Surprise factor alive. THAT, to me, is replay value. If the game is really good, but still linear, its ok. But asking me to kill 10 enemies with the same gun for a trophy is just cheap.
Capcom added in those extra cut scenes and enemies knowing that their buyers might never see it. They took the time to reward you with interesting, harder opponents every time you cranked up the difficulty. It was such a pleasant surprise for me to discover NEW things after already beating it. Beat Dead Space, they give you rewards(not spoiling it) and let you play again. Thats it. Im not really down for the SAME EXPERIENCE. I want something new. Games like Oblivion and fallout can do that easily by giving you different options for the same quest, but more linear games like DMC cant. So they added in new surprises and enemy's for your hard work, not points...........or a trophy........to look at........(I feel some Devs may use this as an excuse to say their game has replay value. Then they wouldent have to alter the game for each difficulty, Laziness, and money.)
So I thought this was interesting to talk about. Thats my take. Whats your Idea?
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