This isn't the official timeline (not that I know of), but the way I'd do it is:
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Both of the Oracle games (whichever one you play first doesn't matter, but I typically do Seasons then Ages)
Link's Awakening
A Link to the Past
and then later in the future of the Zelda universe, the events of Wind waker occur, then Phantom Hourglass, then Minish cap, then Four Swords Adventure, then Link gets older and we move on to Twilight Princess!
(I didn't add the NES ones, because I didn't really feel like it, but i suppose I could add it before Ocarina of Time, and make both of them happen long before the events of OoT :|.......meh....)
That's the way i do it, anyway.
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