Just thought I make this topic.
Anyway, here are my Top 10, with a few honorable mentions, of things that happened during my years of gaming that completely shocked me, made my jaw drop to the floor, and taken me by surprise like a 50. cal sniper in Modern Warfare shot through the wall to get me!
In order:
10. Seeing the PSP for the first time.
My jaw dropped straight to the floor when I saw the PSP in action. I thought the GBA was amazing, but the PSP floored it like a little bug stomped by a pick-up truck.
9. The DS is beating the PSP in the handheld war.
When the DS and PSP came out, I think most of us, including me, thought the PSP would throw Nintendo out of the handheld business. But it didn't, which to me, is so unexpected it's shocking. It was also the only reason why I was looking forward to the Media Create sales every week, just to see how much the DS sold more than the PSP.
8. Dragon Quest IX and X coming to Nintendo consoles.
I really do care what happens in the Japanese video game industry, so I guess that's why this news was a huge shocking moment. Also, I think it really is a big deal, not just in Japan, but in the industry as a whole for this to happen. I think it was a sign that Sony would no longer be the console king and that the power would now be shifted to other consoles.
7. Playing Resident Evil 4 for the first time.
There have been some shocking news in the industry like Blizzard going with Activision or Square merging with Enix, but for me, getting blown away by a awesome game tops them all, like Resident Evil 4. No other game blew me away more than playing this for the first time. I never seen anything like it nor have I played anything like it. It really is a modern-day masterpiece and one of the greatest games ever made.
6. Street Fighter IV announced
Who saw this coming? I sure didn't. And the ink-brush trailer added more to the shock value. At first, I was doubtful thinking to myself, "Will this work?" "Will it be good?" "Is it 2D or 3D?" And after seeing the latest gameplay videos and reading the positive impressions by people who played it and the previews, this game looks awesome!
5. The Legend of Cel-da? Toon-link in Wind Waker & Metroid becoming a first-person shooter, TIE.
Anyone else think this was crazy when they first saw these happen? Yeah, me too, since the Zelda and Metroid series were my favorite game series. But good thing the games turned out well. Both of these happened around the same time so that's why I gave it a equal tie.
4. Street Fighter II on the SNES
I remember as a kid when SFII was the biggest thing. Because it was so big, me an my Genesis fanboy buddies used to argue all the time how SFII will come to the SNES. There were rumors, denials, and even fake pictures...until it actually happened. Ah memories...it was a awesome time.
3. FFXIII coming to the 360
There have been exclusives that Sony lost that have been surprising like Devil May Cry 4, Tekken 6, Ace Combat 6, Resident Evil 5, and even GTAIV. But I think none of these were as shocking as FFXIII being announced for the 360. Who saw this coming?
2. FFVII announced for Sony Playstation
What tops FFXIII coming to the 360? The original Square-Enix bomb...FFVII being announced for PS1. This was unheard of at the time and it was so huge, I really believe it was because of this game that gave Sony the edge to win the console war during that era.
1. Playing Zelda Ocarina of Time for the first time
When I first saw Link running through the Hyrulean field, I was so amazed by it. And the entire game was amazing. Sometimes I wish I can go back in time and relive that moment. There was truly nothing that compares to playing Ocarina of Time for the first time.
And the most shocking video game moment of ALL-TIME is...
The Wii
This tops them all. The motion-sensing controller, the lower specs, the funky name, the casual direction, and it winning the current console war! What is more shocking, more surprising, more gasp-inducing than the Wii? Nothing.
Honorable mentions:
- Seeing the GBA for the first time
- Playing online multiplayer for the first time.
- Seeing Square almost going out of business because of FF Spirits Within
- Kingdom Hearts: Disney and Square teaming up for a game.
- The XBOX announced: Microsoft going into the console business
- Seeing Mario in 3D in Mario 64
- Mega Man 9 announced, reliving 8-bit nostalgia
- Seeing a mature Link in Twilight Princess
- Seeing the DS for the first time.
- Seeing Wii-Fit for the first time.
- Playing Gears of War for the first time
- Seeing the Dreamcast for the first time
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