After posting on the thread GOW v DMC it got me thinking about games that people think are great which I just can't get my head around God of War in the case of that thread being mine. So I want you to choose as many games as you like that you think is average despite what others think and give your reasons why.
So here are mine
1. God of War - because I found the storyline to be boring and having it told through random flashbacks was stupid when you could have told it completly in the introduction. I also think there were far too few bosses for the game and so you are just left with repetitive battles and wtf is that movement you are supposed to do to get out of being frozen or when someone is clinging onto you when crossing a rope lol (but that is just me :p).
2. Any GTA past Vice city - lets see because they are essentially the same game over and over just different stories and improved cities I say up to Vice city because 3 changed the format of the series completly and Vice city was a well improved version but after that they are doing the same thing as they did with Vice city take the same game and dont change the core at all and when it gets to the 3rd time of doing this I think it is just lazy so how anyone can give a game that has had the same missions for the past 4 games a 10 is insane its just kill somone get in a car and run grab some drugs get in a car and run or the even more original lets steal a car..... and run.
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