Mine not in order: Super Mario 3, Oblivion, Street Fighter 2, Goldeneye 007, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil 4, Call of Duty 2, FEAR, Parasite Eve, Super Mario 64.
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not in order
1. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
2. World of Warcraft
4. Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker
5. Halo 3
6. Call of Duty 4
7. Super Smash Bros. Melee
8. Fire Emblem
9. Assasin's Creed
10. Gears of War
(not in order)
Mass Effect
Halo 3
Super Mario Galaxy (only played some of it at gamestop)
Warcraft 3
Zelda TWLP
Naruto UnH
Castlevania Dracula X chronicles
you dont need to lie, eidos cannot fire you for bad mouthing kane and lynch like jeff did.1. Kane and Lynch: Dead Men
What else do you need really?
Random order
Half Life 2
San Andreas
Chronicles of Riddick
Pro Evolution soccer not the latest one
Doom 3
Eternal Darkness
Speedball 2 on Amiga
Splinter Cell all of them:)
Not in any particular order:
Metal Gear Solid 3
Silent Hill 2
Final Fantasy IX
Dino Crisis
Resident Evil 4
Guitar Hero 2
Super Mario Bros 3
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Red Faction 2
in no order
Super Mario Bros 3
The Legend of Zelda : OOT
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
007 Goldeneye
Ratchet and Clank:Tools of Destruction (very under rated game)
The Lengend of Zelda : TP
Final Fantasy VII
Pokemon Blue
you might be able to tell but im not an FPS fan Goldeneye is the only good FPS EVER
The only games so far I would consider to be my favorite of all-time,hence why there are only six.
Not in any order..
Gears of war
Mario kart
Resident evil 3
Halo 3
Nba 2k8
Can't really think of much more lol but there some of them. i know theres loads but none spring to mind for me :)
1- The Dark Queen of Krynn (& other gold boxes)
Remaking similar games these days would be very hard. The storyline must be perfect, 2D art would need to be up to the finest standard of the industry and...most 2D artists wishes they where 3D...so...very hard to get that style onward.
2- City of Villains/Heroes (ohhhh it bypass BG2...I am kinda surprise myself, never think of it before now! Good job Cryptic...loving with the game just keep growing!)
3- Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal (+ Torment, IDs, BG1 & 2)
4- Medieval Total War (and the sequels and Rome I guess, but the original is better)
5- Civilisation V: Beyond the Sword (and everything that is civs-oriented, including thespace competitor GalCiv)
6- Domination: Massive Assault like never before (& GA++)
7- Fantasy War (& Celtic Legends)
8- Everquest (& WoW & other variations). If it was not for raiding, I would still be playing it. Raiding ruins it ranking.
9- Heroes of Might and Magic V (& the 1-2-3 but NOT the 4, Warlords can share some space in here somewhere)
10- Romance of the Three Kingdoms II (& all sequels...but the 2nd is the best...+ Genghis Khan)
I try to go by the feeling. Sword of Aragon was a very nice game as well, I guess it is a little inside 7, inside 9 and inside 3...feel redundant to put it somewhere there, and alone...as it couldn't get another title with it to form a category or something, wouldn't have been right. Steel Empire, Birthright & many other games barely not make it...as the deposit & wargame on the amiga in a near future setting...just can't find the name...was neat GBT games back then.
EDIT: I figure that making category is more meaningfull, reading 5 gold boxes here wouldn't be bringing much. I like the goldboxes a lot, you get the point in #1, I just try to categorize the remaining, figuring all the gold boxes where in 1. Fallout goes with BG2, as a minor twist from it. NWN would be close to 11th (& all variations), so would be Oblivion(&Morrowind) and Overlord.
Jeez...most of you guys sound like your 16. Anyways...
Secret of Mana
Illusion of Gaia
Final Fantasy III/VI (sometimes I wonder how people like VII...it's so terrible)
Super Mario Bros. 3
Baldurs Gate 2 (PC)
Super Mario 64
Mass Effect
Resident Evil 4
Now was this what we think are the top ten best games ever, or our top ten favorite games ever.
This is difficult and i am not giving it much thought:
World of Warcraft
Super Mario Brothers 3
Mario 64
Gran Turismo 3
The Sims
Mega Man 2
C&C ZeroHour
Gran Turismo 3
Battlefield 2
LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth
I complied my list based off of memorable experiences, entertaining stories friends and I have shared, and overall personal enjoyment. I listed my reasons why I put a game, where I put it. Yes, they are in order, so blow me. Enjoy.
1: Halo 2: Xbox
I could not bear the straining task of counting all the amazing times I've experienced while playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live. Halo 1 is the better game of the franchise, but its fault was that it lacked the Xbox Live community Halo 2 had during its reign. Quite possibly as seen as a cop out, Halo 2 is my number one choice because combining every single player and multi-player experience among every other game on this list doesn't amount to the plethora of enjoyment I've experienced with this game. That is all. You all already know why Halo 2 rules on a game's technical scale, I feel no need to stress its greatness to you. Have my children, Bungie.
2: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Xbox
As a loyal Star Wars fan, I could not help but to allow myself to be enveloped in the combination BioWare's ingenious dialog system, and George Lucas's fantasy universe. Regardless of my affiliation to Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic is my favorite role playing game of all time. A videogame developer's goal is to draw the player to believe him/herself to believe that he/she is apart of their simulating experience. With the combination of the superb storyline, fantastic character development, and sci-fi atmosphere, BioWare conquers that very goal. For delivering this gem of a video game, I can forgive BioWare for being Canadian. After all, it's not their fault.
3: Shadow of the Colossus: Playstation 2
Something about this authentic David vs. Goliath tale continuously drove me toward this game. Crawling feebly among flying Colossi, running and dodging the trampling trail of monstrous creatures, all the while, making an attempt scale its gigantic being, and purge its skull with your blade. Apart from a obvious lack in storyline, Shadow of the Colossus reminds me of the sound reasons I began to play video games: imagination, innovation...awesome?
4: Bioshock: Xbox 360
On the brink of it's experience, Bioshock is an immersive first person shooter. Easy choice, right? What sets Bioshock apart from the other lackluster titles in its genre is its ability to allow the player to play the game on different levels. You already have your survival shooter. Bioshock turns into a struggle against your own morality, enabling the player with the choice to 'save' or 'destroy' little girls in order to take full advantage of the powers they hide amongst themselves. The surrounding environment takes advantage of the curiosity of the player as he/she finds himself/herself in a new atmosphere, bringing any adventure junkie's jaw to the floor. All of this combined with the addition of Andrew Ryan's impressive dialog and storytelling helps this game easily trot its way onto my list.
5: Super Mario World: SNES
I'm not going to bore anyone with my apparent like/love for Mario. This Super Mario game is the first I played to my recollection, and I enjoyed it the most because I was an young and impressionable child who was convinced that turtles were evil and drains let to an overabundance of shiny coins. Oh...and how shiny those coins were. Everyone likes Mario, if you don't, then you're probably along the lines of supporting 'unawesomeness', communism, and strangling kittens. I like Mario...alot. Sue me.
6: Ninja Gaiden: Xbox
Apart from being one of the best games to ever grace the disc tray of an original Xbox, Ninja Gaiden's difficulty continuously drove me back towards its beauty, long after I conquered the story mode. Drenched in replay value, I have never spent so much energy yelling at a game when I and the fictional computer characters are the only ones involved. A frustrating experience gone...right? Like a dysfunctional marriage, Ninja Gaiden will always be in my heart, although divorce is never too far a thought away.
7: Guitar Hero 3: Playstation 2
Slipknot + Videogames = God. Done. Not to mention, Slash as a playable avatar. Dislike this game, and you dislike America. Disliking hamburgers and freedom just doesn't digest easily. Even typing that statement sort of makes me somewhat queasy.
8: Super Smash Bros. Melee: Nintendo Gamecube
A party game, maybe. One of the best, accidental competitive games on this earth? Exactly. With the inclusion of some of my my beloved characters of old, i.e. Captain Falcon (or Mr. America), Mario, and Gannondorf, the game's unintentionally technological depth is just astounding. Wavedashing, L-canceling, Wall-Tech, excuse the jargon, but it just makes you, and the involving community, pending a big enough scope, make you feel as if you're all in a completely different world. I am certain other gamers involved in games competitively feel the same way. This just so happened to be my game.
9: Bully: Playstation 2
This game capitalizes of clenching the very thing that the majority of the population of this continent have in common: High School. We've all been there, and in Bully, we're back again. This time, for fun. This time to do as we please. This time, we're not forced by our parents who send us because we've got to "make something of ourselves, and get an education." I just wanted to blow things up in the chemistry lab. Whatever. Back to Bully. This won't take long. Wedgies, stink bombs, locker stuffing, inappropriate gestures (to teachers and students), fighting (alot), make-out sessions (guy/girl, different strokes for different folks....formerly known as the 'gays'/'French'), potato lauchers, naughty pictures, bullying nerds, bottle rockets, firecrackers, itching powder. If there is nothing in this description that whets your appetite for pubescent destruction, please stop reading my post, and go outside.
10: Breakdown: Xbox
Yes, I said it. Breakdown lacks any complete 'technical' harmony that the rest of my top 10 games contain. The controls are faulty, to say the least. Even for its time, I can recall the graphics resembling Microsoft ClipArt. I could go on, it's not in the very most a sound game at all. But I don't think I will ever forget that Breakdown gave me my first scare at a first person viewing point. Breakdown is compiled of a storyline that progressed appropriately, and continued at a steady, but aggressive pace. If you could disperse of the obvious technical missteps, abnormally distressing combat system, and bland atmosphere, you can feel the innovation lurk from the depths of Breakdown's core. It begins to show brilliance with the rare occurrences of the main character's dreams, and his delving adventures into the unfamiliar and unknown, but in the end it all seems to drown out with the overwhelming issues. Unfortunately, the following quote sums up the overall experience of Breakdown, [Breakdown] ultimately leaving the player, who cared to finish the game, as if it could have been so, so much better. (Gamespot-"Breakdown is unable to bear the weight of its own innovation.") I felt that this gave me a mere peek at what first-person action games could become in the future, just without the crappy missteps attached, (granted, I am not that old [19]). Remake this Namco, just do it right.
Honerable Mention- Honorable Mentions to deserve descriptions ;)
Contra: NE
Diablo: PC
Unreal Tournament: PC
Jet Set Radio Future: Xbox
Side note: It seems pretty distasteful to tell someone that their list of their favorite games is wrong. You don't know what that person could have experienced while playing that certain game. It could have drove them to tears, played them will a deceased relative, friend, etc. This is my list. Read, enjoy, or skip, but don't tell me my list is wrong because you personally don't like it. Please excersise this curtosey to other users' posts as well.
Fallout, easily my #1
Final Fantasy VI a close #2
In no order:
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario World
Mega man 2
Viva Pinata
Sim City 2000
Super Metroid
Any Mario tennis
Zelda: A link to the past
Harley's humongous adventure
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