Welp, here's my list:
10. Pokemon X&Y:
Pokemon X&Y might have been somewhat watered-down in terms of game difficulty, but the trainor customizable and the sheer amount of different teams you can construct without even having to trade pokemon more than makes up for it in my view. A fun game, despite like I said, being watered down.
09. Hearts of Iron IV:
Is it bad that I've only had this game for less then a year and I've already put over 230 hours into it? The game itself is pretty good, and the various mods you can use in the game only make it better. Personally I enjoy the mods that turn the national leaders and generals into amine girls.
08. Pikmin 3:
Pikmin 3 has to be my favorite game on the Wii U hands down. Being in command of the little plant-like creatures, strategizing, and defeating the larger predators of the planet while gathering fruit is...satisfying. Plus the graphics look really good to me.
07. Sword art online fatal bullet:
Granted, I just a large Sword Art Online fan, but I've got to admit, Fatal bullet, although somewhat simple to me, is just fun to me. Looks good with what, so far at least, a good story. Plus, I love having the ability to customize my character and what's more, my customized character doesn't have to be a stand in for Harem-to. (Kirito)
06. Fallout 4:
Okay okay, it might not be the best fallout game out there, but I find it quite enjoyable. Although the character customization could be better, (Mods aside), but starting out with a pipe pistol and a 10mm and upgrading to sub-machine guns or sniper rifles is quite satisfying, and given how much Fun I've had playing just the vanilla version of this game, I had to include it on this list.
05. Mass effect Andromeda:
This game isn't so much on this list because it's the best game as it was one of the games that I had a lot of fun with. I'll still bash it for being such a glitch-filled mess when it came out regardless, and the character customization was somewhat on the abysmal side, irregardless I had a blast playing it. Oh...and a quick disclaimer, I may have picked it up at the local wal-mart for $7 on black Friday a couple of years back. Personally, I believe that eliminating glitches and a massive boost to character customization pre-release would gave gone a long way to a better reception.
Honorable mention:
The Wii U 1.0: (Aka the Nintendo switch)
Okay okay...so it's not a game, but bear with me. I believe that the Wii U was meant as nothing more than a beta test for the Nintendo Switch. And given how much success the Nintendo switch has had, I felt as though the Wii U 1.0 deserved a spot on this list. Here's hoping the Wii U 2.0 (AKA the Switch PRO) doesn't drive people away from this outstanding console.
War thunder?
When I created this list, I wanted to avoid including games that came bout before 2013, though given that this came out in November of 2012, I decided to allow it to make the cut. Weather rushing around in a BT-7, sniping from afar in an M-18 or brawling with a Tiger, the Tank warfare portion of this game is exceedingly fun in my opinion. And it looks pretty good on a decent PC as well. Oh, ad did I mention they also have aircraft and ship warfare as well?
Just cause 3:
Nothing beats Zipping around while blowing up stuff and fighting against a crazy dictator, what's not to like? Plus I love looking at the map as I liberate towns and military bases, seeing the blue allied territory expand and the enemy red territory retract as I progress though the game.
Sunset overdrive:
Two words won me to this game, Character customization. Okay, that's not the exclusive reason why I love this game, what I like is the attitude of the Female projectionist. Some of her lines are just...hilarious. The game is just...over the top in a lot of ways, and I love it!
Digimon world next order / Digimon story cyber sleuth.
Okay so this is two games in the number one slot, but please bear with me. I love both these games, but I didn't want them to have a separate rank on this list. For Digimon world next order, I love the return to the original Digimon world's plot, but with all new digimon, a revamped digivolution system and an expansion on the originals' storyline. As for Digimon story cyber sluth, there's a lot I like, from the wide array of Digimon one could field to the storyline, but as for me, what I like most is Ami Aoba, the female protagonist. She's just...so cute in my opinion.
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