When: 5:00PM PST, August 24, 2011
Server: (TBD)
What: Unreal Tournament, eitherUT 2004 OR UT3
Where to buy:UT 2004 via Steam, UT3 via Steam
Platform: PC
Map(s): (TBD)
Chat Resource:Game Night Chatroom (requires Java)
1. How do I get in on the action?
It is important to join the chatroom (requires Java) so staff and GameSpotters can communicate. If you cannot remain in the chatroom for any reason, you are welcome to exit and return once you are finished playing a match. If the chatroom is not open for any reason, post a question in this game night discussion thread with your issue. Otherwise, the chatroom should be open on the day of game night.
2. I am from another country and timezone other than California time (Pacific Time). What time is that for me?
http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc. If you want to be extra tech savvy and you use Firefox, download the foxclocks application to monitor your timezone versus other timezones.
3. What mode will we be playing?
The game modes are normally requested in the chatroom, so ask away once you join. GameSpot staff are normally easy going unless there are specific requirements in the announcement of a game night.
4. How do you select a game for game night?
GameSpot staff will consider suggestions made in this union. The official game night schedule can be viewed here. However, highly anticipated games may take priority. One example of this would be the UFC game night held with a variety of staff back in May 2009. Many GameSpot editors were playing for weeks before there was a chance to play with other GameSpotters. Fun times indeed!
5. Can I drop by late to participate?
Of course! Why not? Be sure to post what time you plan to show right here in this thread so we can stick around later in case you decide to show later than 5:00pm PT.
6. What GameSpot folks will I be playing with?
The game and platforms really does determine which GameSpot Staff members are likely to play. You might even hit some of your favorite GameSpot editors to ask them when they plan to participate in another game night or which game is likely to get them to drop by as well. You can do so by sending them a PM or posting a new thread in the Union board.
7. What is up with the bounty hunter emblem?
Every Game Night a player that meets the bounty requirement will get to take part in a grudge match later in the year against other bounty hunters on the game platform. Note that this process is still in planning stages. That match will take place on a game that pretty much anyone can play, such as a free bowling game, or some other such frivolity. The winner of the Grudge Match will receive a special emblem in his or her profile.
8. Do I get an emblem for playing?
The only emblem goes to the bounty winner(s), which are listed on the Game Night feature page as MVP. It's next to impossible for staff to keep up with who enters the game server and who doesn't. Besides, isn't gloating over GameSpot Staff a great reward?
9. What is the bounty requirement?
The non-scientific method: The player GameSpot staff feels kicked their butts the most is normally the first to receive the emblem. However, we have also considered users who are respectful with others ingame as well. We normally choose one MVP per game or platform.
10. So, do I have a good chance of kicking GameSpot butt?
Yes, unless it's Quake, in which case Jody will introduce you to her Rocket Launcher. Briefly.
11. What if you give the emblem to some other dude, even if I know I am better?
It's the staff's call on who becomes the MVP for the week.
12. Where should I report my game night experience?
Feel free to discuss your experience in this thread. You can also Tweet about it, post an update to FUSE, or blog about it right here on Gamespot!
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