I've had a lot of time to think lately what with summer vacation, so I came to the conclusion that the letter X is completely useless in our alphabet. Think about it; (although it doesnt require too much thought) x, broken down, is ks or cs in 1 letter. It is completely unnecessary. K is like a stronger version of c that doesnt sound like (S) when followed with an i. Eg: cider as opposed to kind. So, what idiot came up with X? all it does is make things seem edgier by replacing the ks or cs at the end of the word with x. It just unnecessarily puts 2 letters in 1 and gives us stupid "edgy" movies like XXX. So, help me figure out this mystery so that I can sleep tonight. ThanX in advance. LoL!! :P
But how would one go about writing roman numerals without the letter 'X'? Or abbreviating Christmas? Or drawing treasure maps?Tiberius
Thats all well and good, but thats kind of like saying how can we write A russian name without russian letters? We usually find a way around that. We translate it with english characters, or we might sometimes just use the russian charachters. the same is true with chines and so forth. Besides, cant we all afford to just put a W on our maps and spell out christmas in its full name? I think so.
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