How far did you get into the series? For the first 44 episodes, it's kind of boring but it keeps picking up.
This explains it, I only watched a few episodes (15~20) and I was wondering how people like this kind of shows. I might give it another go then.
The Berserk track is unlike any song I've heard in an anime. I should probably watch it. >_>
Berserk is a very old anime (from 1998 ) and it has arguably one of the best anime/manga stories ever. The anime isn't complete(well technically it isn't) so if you're gonna watch the anime you will like it but the end is not actually an end. And btw, the manga chapters are still being released up to this day :shock:
I'm sure there are a few exceptions out there (someone once mentioned Helsing, which I have yet to watch).
Hellsing is a very good show, the OVA's are released half-yearly or so but the original show has finished airing so you should give it a try.
Long animes are not for everyone but some of them usually get better with time since you get to know the characters more and the action builds up.
Hajime No Ippo is one great example (70+ episodes for season 1 and 25+ for season 2 ). I was never into boxing but after watching this one I took boxing courses and I love it :oops: this is how much this anime is awesome.
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