Welcome to GUFU, the following are all the necessary information to fully use all the features our Union has.
--- Please use this thread to introduce yourself ---
(Not so) SECRET FORUM (GUFUYourself)
Recently, we moved to an offsite forum. Most of our posting activity takes place there. It's a great place to talk about everything without the limits of the GS's ToU.
Link to GUFUYourself.
Information for the GUFU IRC is as follows:
server: irc.accessirc.net or eu.accessirc.net
channel: #gufupublic
Here's some easy instructions
How to Join.
Accessing without a client-
- Go to this site.
- On Nickname, put in your GameSpot screen name
- On Channel, put #gufupublic
- On Server, put irc.accessirc.net
Using Chatzilla (Firefox Users)-
- Download this add-on.
- Type in /server irc.accessirc.net
- Click IRC, then Join Channel or just press Ctrl + J
- Type in gufupublic and press the channel that matches
- If you want this channel to start up anytime, right click the tab and check "Open This Channel at Start Up"
Other Clients-
- Ice Chat
- Trillian
- Xchat
- mIRC (20 bucks gpr a registered version)
Gamertag List
New and existing members, post your various gamertags here if you are interested in gaming with GUFU. They will be added to the spreadsheet to simplify friend requests and facilitate future game nights.
Want a Sig?
If you want a sig designed by the our creative mastermind AdobeArtist, just put a request in this thread.
Questions? Suggestions? Rotten tomatoes?
Feel free to post them here, we'll be glad to help.
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