Edit: Sorry for the crappy Camera phone quality
My first Impression was that it's Small. Really Small. It's smaller then the Dual Shock or 360 pad and is very light. It's probably so light becaus there is no rumble motor inside. My guess is that to use rumble you attach the Wii-mote to the Classic Contorllers back, and will add quite a bit of heft to the controller.

The next thing I noticed is the buttons. The D-pad is like a bigger version of the DS Lite's D-pad, and feels pretty nice. When you hold the contoller with your hands on the face buttons and D-pad it really brought back memories of the SNES controller, and thats in no way a bad thing.

It has Four shoulder buttons: L, R, ZL, and ZR. I can't really tell if the L and R buttons are analog like the GC's they do feel that way, but I'm not sure if anything would register until you clicked it all the way down. The ZL and ZR buttons definetly aren't analog and are very small. Maybe a little too small. All in the the buttons feel pretty solid and reaching any of them is not a problem.
The analog sticks are something I do have a problem with though. They lie on the same axis like the Dualshock's and I'm not really a fan of that. For FPS's it can tend to be pretty annoying to have both of your thumbs so close together. The analog sticks don't click in either like the 360's or Dualshock. I don't know why Nintendo won't do that wih their analog sticks but it'skind of disappointing.
Overall I think the Classic Controller feels nice, and even though it does feel light it still feels solid in your hands. My biggest gripe with it is the placement of the analog sticks which is really only bad for FPS's.
Now for pics of the game cases

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