I didn't have anything to look forwards to after ME3, and now I have Xenoblade and Last Story. Time to give my Wii some love.
I put a few hours into it. The combat is insanely easy, unfortunately, and considering it's 16-20 hour length, I am 1/4th into the game already. The game may not seem so easy, but it gives you aerial views of bigger fights and they talk strategies and stuff, but you can blindly run in for the most part. I've heard some people who beat the game say it does not change too much. Combat feels nicer than it looks though, I thought it looked pretty retarded but it works out nicely in most cases. It isn't so easy no one ever dies or anything, but you need to die 5 times in order for it to count, and the most I've died was once and that was from optional spawn points where you can sort of summon enemies for some grind, and after a few, a stronger group comes about.Â
The characters are entertaining enough though, great british voice acting too. It has a lot more classic RPG feel, moreso than like Xenoblade as well. It isn't a far cry from FFXIII though, it is mostly split up into mission sort of areas you can't return to, there is just more of a hub town to give you older FF feel as well.
Story is about as generic fantasy as you can get, but the world is neat enough so it's not boring. About a 7.5 is most I'd give it so far though, I'm about to play some more in a bit though. For the record I would give Xenoblade an 8.5 and Lost Oddysey a 6.Â
Played a few more hours, quite an influx of coincidence plot progression and deus ex machina sort of stuff, but oh well. The game sort of has trouble using it's own combat system in certain scenerios. The contant attacking means if you're next to an enemy and surrounded, you can't get away because your character is too busy attacking. There was one fight where you could attack good and bad guys, but if you even walk near good guys you attack them, it seems really silly to have included a fight like that given that you can't control when you attack.Â
I feel a 9.0 comes because of lack of jRPGS this gen, I'm really not feeling what the review says. I like where story seems to be going though, so maybe an 8.0 by the end.Â
Edit: Watching review now, the guy really fluffs up the combat system but doesn't make any mention about how easy it is.. there are almost as many problems with the combat system as there are cool things about it. Â
Maybe this was their plan all along, release games just before the Wii U so people are on a Nintendo high when it comes out.CJL13
I always thought what they should have done is worked on HD-upscales of the operation rainfall games and release them in the launch-window or so of the Wii-U. It would certainly have made a lot of people buy one. I doubt their going to have any Zelda/Mario/Metroid ready for the launch and stuff like Animal Crossing isn't as major. Â
I use rechargeables and just toss the used ones in the charger and make sure I always have a charged set. Has never failed me.Â
I'm like 10 hours into TLS now, it got better, some harder fights, but there are some incredibly poorly designed fights as well, ones that would work well if you had control over when you attack, but ones that are just annoying as hell otherwise. Â
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