Not only does the PLAYSTATION 3 look like a Victorian waffle iron, it also heats up like one. Fact: The Sony behemoth hoovers up 380 watts of power. Play the console for 4 hours a day and add US $80 to your annual electricity bill. The console needs eight (yes, eight) times the power the PS2 need to propel its gaming goodness as well as twice the Xbox 360's hot hot 160 watts. And the 360 can cook eggs! Meaning? The PS3 can melt floors or something.
Looks like I'm gonna have a huge bill when I get my own apartment next year :?
yeah, I'm with LOZ on this one. I'm sure the PS3 will be a powerhog, but it has a big enough case that I don't see heating as that big of an issue. Also, Kotaku does tend to bash the PS3 a bit much.
Just because it uses more power doesn't mean the console itself is hotter. Heck, PCs use more power than that, and they don't melt floors.
And who actually spends 4 hours each day playing videogames? I have a hard time imagining doing that when there are other major commitments that need to be done.
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