[QUOTE="JJGY"]Congrats to the new officers, and thanks to the staff for handling the vote counting and such. I belive the newly elected staff is a pretty solid choice on the part of the union, and I hope to see great things in the future. I was, of course, slightly dismayed to see that my name was not amongst the list of elected, but I have not exactly served well in my position as leader. For that I apologize. I've been glad to give what very little I have to offer, and be equally contented serving in any capacity that the officers may choose. For someone as young as myself, this has been an excellent experience in management and such, although, I will be somewhat relieved to hand over the reigns of such a responsibility to those who are older, wiser and better fitted to such a position. I am by no means what could be considered a "good" leader, and I believe that the displacement of this burden along with the addition of a far more active staff will result in nothing but progress for the union. Thank you all for putting up with my tyranny, and good luck to those poor bastards who will have to keep track of you guys until the next election :PSpruceCaboose
   You founded something that is growing and flourishing. That is by no means something that should be downplayed. Its been a year and the union is expanding and still very much active. That is something that all the founding members should be proud of. GUFU stands for something, and that is because of all the founders, and that most certainly includes you! 8)
   EDIT: Its early for me and I cannot type yet! :DÂ
For information sake, JJGY is actually the third leader. The Founder was MrAran, Who resigned and gave it to Ak47_Lover, who was then banned. :P
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