(taken from my blog):
I've decided to start up what can best be described as an online gaming magazine, published right here in my blog. However, this magazine (currently titled "Thumbstick Syndrome", but that may change) won't focus quite so much on the gaming industry and news. There will be a small section devoted to that, but parroting the same stories over and over again really is old.
This magazine will focus much more on gaming as a hobby, instead of the usual game news magazine approach. Another big focus will be the writers' opinions on topics currently going on, since there seems to be a lack of it. As I said, most magazines and online websites don't have any or very many editorials; they just say what everyone else says. There will be reviews all right, but since Thumbstick Syndrome won't focus so much on the present the reviews can be for any game. No scores, either. This forces the reader to look at the review's content.
What I'm telling this to you for is because I need writers. If you'd be interested in writing a review, editorial, or some other form of story then notify me. And please only volunteer if you're willing to be dedicated. Don't tell me you will and end up doing next to nothing. I'll also need someone who can use Photoshop or a similar program that manipulates and creates images. My role will serve as a writer and editor. I'll PM further information to volunteers; if you would like to see this further information, please inform me of this.
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