No need to get into political arguments in this thread, but what are your politics and why do you have that particular philosophy?
Personally, I'm a moderate liberal/progressive who refuses to join the Democratic Party and instead chooses to be Independent. I find that being Independent helps me to be more honest with myself. I'm a liberal because I favor safety nets (social programs basically) and I favor looking at the size of government on a case by case basis rather than by starting from the ideological standpoint that government absolutely must be small. I find such an approach to be ideological and not based in reality. However, I can still respect the strengths of conservativism such as its focus on individual rights Still, I'm a pragmatist and so I cannot take a emphatic stance on how big the government should be. It depends on the cirumstances. I think the ideas of the people that oppose bailouts and stimulus measures in any and all cirumstances are dangerous. I'm not saying that opposing some bailouts is dangerous (opposing some bailouts is neccesary), but opposing them all on principle is not a rational way to deal with dynamic problems IMO.
Note: I'm not going to put the names of parties in the poll, but I'd like to know which party you belong to if you belong to one.
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