I'll do a few who I know pretty well:
Fuzzysquash - Gets the rank of "awesome poster" due to his logical posts (+ being a Sony fan lifts you up a rank). 22 (I think) year old, from the US. Very laid back and down to earth person who makes a fool out of trolls and is friendly to sensible posters. Loves his MGS and (just found this out recently) loves his NG. Not only does he want to take over the gaming world with his new job as a game journalist, but this bad boy loves his politics and will be sure to make president one day.
Cakeorrdeath - 24? year old British poster who thinks he's funny. Very logical poster who managed to even get the mod status within our GS community and is now using his powers to create boards which more superior people (like me) can't create. I'm not jealous. Loves his Nintendo, especially SSBB (2008, lol.) and has had many arguments with people about every single thing you can think of. Has he won any of them? Let's just say yes and not hurt his feelings. (Cake: "looks at mod tags...haha i'm so cool cause I can ban you". No Cake, no.)
Jandurin - One of the oldest members of GUFU (25) who has past his prime. Don't know what he looks like, but I'm gonna guess he's blonde. Very funny poster + down to earth guy. Is a big Metroid fan and works as a miner for his daily job. He's from the US (I think) or somewhere else on earth. Has a girlfriend that actually buys him games (not jealous). Is very bad at blogging. Doesn't have many friends (I wonder why). One of my favourite people on GS but thinks Sony will lose this gen so he's clearly not too bright.
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