And it's for a handheld game.;title;2
Seriously, that's some awesome looking stuff there. Perhaps what strikes me most is the soundtrack CD. Castlevania games composer is really great. I forget her name though, bad me huh? :P But I love it. So I can't wait for that, and the art book will be cool. Yet, I still wish for Ayami's style. That one owns, and then a timeline. (fan service! woot!) and stylus and carry case.
I know it doesn't sound much, but this IS for a handheld game, and it's not even inflating the price, so it's ALL free. Woo-Hoo!
Anyone else excited? I mean the game is gonna be great, and I didn't expect anything from it, but now I have to reserve it tomorrow, even if I know it won't sell out probably.
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