ChangeWave research is one of the few prestigious analytical and research companies that Wall Street relies on for sound financial projections. The only one that doesn't have a firm grasp of reality here is you, seeing as you're the only one here arguing with facts like a lunatic. More proof you don't know what you're talking about: Samsung isn't making much of a profit off their smartphone sales. In fact, despite their huge phone sales success last year, their profits actually FELL. You are so knowledgeable and well-researched. :roll: So no, Samsung is not making "serious" profit off of their phones, and yes, the iPhone is now the most in-demand smartphone of all time this year, and iOS market share is going to level off while Android retention rates continue to systematically decline as it always has for the last two years. And no, the Razrr Maxx is not a revolution. It's anything but that, and I've read your fellow Android fans completely disagree with you in your own forum. You do not have any foresight, in fact you have the opposite of; and it would be much appreciated if you kept out of this iOS exclusive discussion with your apparent Android blindness.Kid-Atari
Samsung doesnt just make smartphones you know, perhaps you missed this from your article,"when it comes to phones the news couldn't be better, where it notched an operating profit of $2.3 billion on record sales."
And why looking back at that quarter?
Q4 2011 saw 50% growth the most recent quarter.
And now they are expecting double growth in Q1 2012.
Please do better research before posting.
And thats the beauty of android, we dont follow one company and do whatever the hell it tells us.
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