This was suggested to me by ocdog to fill the upcoming bye week, and I agree with it.
This weekend the NFL Union will run a Madden 07 Tournament on both the PS2 and Xbox360. Ocdog will be in charge of the PS2 tourney, but I still need someone to head the 360 tourney. It should be someone who will enter and be able to spend a little time on it. It will be up to you how the tourney is run. Who wants the job?
As for this thread, it is here you'll sign up to play. Put your name and what console you'll be playing on(also, whatever name you use for online gaming would be helpful). The list will be updated every-so-often. I want to make the cutoff on Wednesday, so that the guys heading the tourneys will have time to figure things out.
SkinnyCow (GT: pacaman6)
spiderman2007 (GT: MikeA305)
god_of_football (GT: dabears8554)
M-e-t-h-o-d-206 (GT: Ol One Shot )
Sig12047 (GT: Asig12047)
Superbustacap (GT: ixi GrayFox ixi)
tyst13 (GT: ching taco)
pdizzie (GT: Sk8boyP)
nickdastick (GT: snoogins8)
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