well almost... but it think that the wii so far is making the most amount of money for a couple of reasons... mainly, the wii has attracted a new croud that other systems have never been able to do, which means, now at their homes, $250 game systems are sitting and being played... Although its hard to debate on which system, hardcore gamers usually go with 360 or wii because of the price, controll scheme, and games.... Furthermore, the wii has a variety of accesories such as the covers for the wii motes, the games pack holer things, the wiimote stands or whatever those charging things are, etc... If nintendo keeps with the accesories, it will make an incredible amount of money... Now that more games are arriving, ones that we have known and loved like super smash bros. brawl, mario kart wii, guitar hero 3, battalion wars 2, metroid prime 3 corruption, etc means that we can expect yet another dramatic increase in the rapidness of nintendo'ssales. Many of you might state that this wont occur because gamers are starting to pick up on the idea that they should get the wii correspongingly a few months before the anticipated games come out... Well, think about the gamers as a flock of pigeons trying to get bread crumbs... The bread crumbs are the wiis being sold, and well, as we all know, life is hard and some of us pigeons wont get our share of bread crumbs which means we will have to wait for more wiis to be shipped... if anyone has an arguement let them speak... :D
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