Zelda will probably be released in 2011. Also, they have tons of untouched IP's like Star Fox, F-Zero, Kirby, etc. And if Nintendo continues with the five year lifespan, there could be a new console then.Rocky32189
think of that... the possibility of a new nintendo console in a mere 2 years time.. it feels like time has gone so fast; like the wii has only just got started, and we'll soon be on the 2nd zelda, 2nd mario, and 2nd metroid.
you're right, i don't think we'll see a 3rd mario or zelda, but maybe they'll be another metroid towards the end of the console's lifespan.
i really don't want another f-zero or star fox. i couldn't care less. i'm really disillusioned with this constant demand from gamers of yearly sequels. surely if nintendo cared about those franchises anymore, don't you think we'd have them by now?
let's see... pikmin 3, zelda, metroid, mario... i think maybe only 3 of those will hit in 2010. surely they won't release all 4 in just one year?
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