Although the 3DS is looking to be something that is going to be awesome with it's hardware, there's a few things I hope will be done down the road.
Like head-tracking. I don't know if it's technically possible, but I think if the camera was capable of headtracking and adjusting the 3D effect in synch that would truely open up "3D" as a function of game mechanic as opposed to improved visuals. If the 'sweet' spot' could be adjusted based on where your head was, that would be a good step. If the game reacted in turn with your head posistion as well then that's far better as it would allow you to truly 'see around' objects. Though Nintendogs seems to suggest that the camera can determine your head posistion to an extent, if the 3D effect cannot be achived by the head moving left or right, back and forth; then certainly it will be a missed opportunity of both functions can't work together. Though to combine the two... the possibities are enormous, and would be far more than just a visual gimmick.
I think it'll be intresting to see of how much territory the 3DS intends to share with the iphone/ipad when it comes to the internet. IE: How much of the internet is the 3DS going to be able to tread on. Flash? E-mail? Facebook? Or will it just be a sort of an afterthought kind of deal. Certainly the capability is there for the 3DS to be something to be used for surfing the web, I just wonder if Nintendo will pursue it.
How Nintendo plans to handle movies is going to be intresting as well, since they are going to be licencing 3D movies. If it's going to be streams, or downloads, or even cartridges for example. If they do more than just 3D movies, doing other movies, TV shows and the like. Can it be a movie player, an MP3 player, is it going to be a multi-media device that does just more than games? Might just be the case with the pressure of Apple's products, especially if Nintendo is shooting for people to have a 3DS in their pocket to play games with and not just their cellphone.
Multiplayer is going to be sketchy certainly. Though based on how they've presented themselves at E3 so far perhaps there's hope for that too. In one of the developer interviews the word "achivements" was mentioned and I thought to myself "really?" Though still not going to hold my breath.
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