So I found a wii for sale for $235 canadian which i snatched up fast. Pretty good deal I must say as it included everything found in the retail box.
So have any of you thought of using skype on your computer as a means of head set communication over Nintendo Wii's online.
Basicly I have my computer set up about 6 feet away from my Wii so I can easily just use skype and talk to my brother well I play him in FIFA08 or Medal of Honor Hero 2 when that finaly releases.
Yes I use the Xbox 360 headset even if has terrible quality its better than nothing.
The fact is that we shouldnt need to resort to these boot leg forms of communication and just give us a headset so we can talk to our friends and our teamates.
MoH2 is gonna be wierd having 16 people on your team and having to give these limited text based comments in the heat of a battle.
MoH 2 is gonna be much harder than regular FPS on consoles because people have more power over their aim so we gonna see some crazy matches without getting to talk about it.
Yeah I feel your anger, I guess. I'd just rather do something myself when I know Nintendo is not easily pushed into doing things they "deem" unimportant/irrelevant.
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