pokemon, and advanced wars days of ruin.. tada you now have the two most longevity enduced games in the DS market. :P advanced wars has LIMITLESS replayability and pokemon is well pokemon.. it will be as addictive as smack :P
i recommend getting the dsi xl simply for the free copies of the brain age games as well as photo fighter (street fighter using stills of you and your friends)
this would also help extend your time before the need for more titles
after which point i recommend;
warhammer 40k: squad command
megaman ZX: advent
elite beat agents
pheonix right games and/or professor layton
and as a wild card im going to add both:
trauma center: under the knife and
gta: chinatown wars
id also get money down on okamiden as it will rock frigging planets when it hits and easily waste TLoZ off its high horse in the action/adventure genre. when a titles bests zelda in its home turf its gotta be decent.
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