hey i just got an old article, i just hope Kojima doesnt forget what he says on this interview, i just paste the relevant portion of the interview from computerandvideogames.com:
"CVG: What are your impressions of Nintendo Wii and how did Snake appear in Smash Brothers?
Kojima: I've played Tennis, Zelda and Mario on Wii. I find Tennis very interesting. I played the early version but the E3 version is far more advanced. As a game designer, I'm very interested in creating something for the Wii. I'd like to run away from MGS 4 creation and create something for the Wii but unfortunately, I don't have anything that I can announce at the moment. I have lots of ideas for Wii but I have a heavy schedule with MGS 4 and Metal Gear Online. Concerning Snake's appearance on Wii in Smash Brothers, I'm friends with the designer of the game and I thought it would be nice if you could play as Snake - when I heard about the new game last year, I contacted the designer and we started working together."
credits: thanks to Computer and Video Games (CVG)
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