(My first Boxart. Came out better than I expected Yay:D )
Either on WiiWare or Retail (I'm guessing WiiWare though but retail would allow a more complete and better developed game).
You start out choosing either Baloo, Kit CloudKicker, Louie or Rebecca and during the game you can unlock more characters such as Sher Khan and Don Karnage (Most likely after beating the game because the game would revolve around Sher Khan doing business with Don Karnage which he pays Karnage todo some dirty work toCape Suzette and other places, I can't get into full details right now because I got other things on my mind and it's kinda giving me slight writers block).
Anyway, It would be a Cell Shaded Free-Roaming like GTA along with Third Person Camera with a choice of First or Third Person when you enter vehicles such as the SeaDuck. There woud be many different vehicles to use but each character would have boosted stats once in their respected vehicle ala, Baloo would obviously get a stat boost when driving the SeaDuck.
There would be air missions like the obvious deliver cargo in which you'd have to battle Air Pirates from Don Karnage's crew along with others such as Kolonel Spickett etc to keep them from stealing your cargo.
Alsoinfiltration missions where you'd have to use the SeaDuck and other planesto evade and sneak into enemy territory to rescue those captured along with stealing back valuable items stolen by whoever's base you're infiltrating.
Ground missions would be a must have too where you'd have to do stuff like beat up gang members such as Owl Capone and the boys, disguise yourself to fool guards so you can get inside of palace walls and other things.
Multiplayer is a must. Local would allow for 2 player split screen co-opwhich also makes enemies harder and gives access to missions that couldn't be obtained on single player such as:
- If one person chooses Baloo and the other chooses Louie, there would be missions where one player would have to distract guards while the other player sneaks in behind them to gain access to secret areas otherwise unattainable on single player and other stuff.
- Also, if local multiplayer is selected, while doing things such as fighting Air Pirates, one player could fly the plane while the other could uses Kit or whoever to hang out the back of the SeaDuck and cloudsurf and use items to blind, annoy, confuseand deter enemies. I'm guessing Split Screenwould work goodfor this.
- Weather Conditions would also affect Flight missions such as Cloud Surfing would be more difficult ina storm due to having to avoid Lightning as well as the Air Pirates attacks. But you'd be able to lure Air Pirates into a lightning strikealso so it could play as an ally in that aspect. If the second players energy gets low, they can reenter the plane and refill their energy until they're ready to get back out and cloudsurf.
- Skill Pointscan be gained while flying, cloudsurfing and other things whichcan be usedto upgrade the characters andvehicles.
Of course, each character would have their own unique abilities like:
- Kit can Cloudsurf which would help fight Air Pirates and allow for access to areas that are far away and require a glider of some sort to get to.
- Louie can climb which can allow for access to areas that climbing is needed along with extra sneak up diversions.
- Rebecca could disguise herself better to get past certain guards that otherwise aren't easily fooled by a simple disguise allowing for access to secret areas.
- Baloo would have the strength to move huge objects that others can't allowing for access to hidden rooms along with the ability to throw allies up to areas where the ally canlower a rope or something to allow Baloo to reach.
Online multiplayer would support up to 8 players (2 player online play from the same console as wellsimilar toMario Kart Wii) where they can play modes such as:
- Dogfight - Basic Free For All Deathmatch with powerups
- Team Dogfight - Team Deathmatch with powerups
- Search and Rescue - which of course someone would be kidnapped and all the players would battle to rescue whoever was captured and bring them back to the safety, of course just getting to the captured person is half the battle, getting them back is another battle because now everybody is targeting whoever has the rescuee and they can steal the rescuee from you and steal your glory.
- Scavenger Hunt -where every player is given different things they have to find where they'd have to use both ground and air abilities to get the items and get back to the finish first (Of course enemies canknock the items out of your cargo so you'd have to not only watch out for other players knocking out your items but AI controlled air pirates as well).
- Air Racing would be another mode(where you have to fly through randomly selected rings before your opponentsand beat them back to the finish line, special rings would give the planes turbo boosts and weapon powerups to use to gain anddefendthe lead kinda Diddy Kong Racing or Mario Kart-ish and they could pull it off seeing as how Nintendo is helping them).
- and more modes.
Of course this is just a quick idea I had but I believe if Disney and Nintendo got together to make this game happen, it would turn out great. Thoughts?
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