Rumor Consolidation 2011
October 2010:
-Marvell QuadCore processors for new console- *This might have had something to do with Kinect, But I don't remember.
-IBM implies that Wii2 uses Cell based PPC
November 2010:
-Marvell Quad cores gets a large order:From large console manufacturer - *once again might be Kinect related.
-House of the Dead: Overkill 2 in the works
-EA reviving NFL Blitz
December 2010:
January 2011:
-UltraViolet Media Cloud service coming to a console- Most Likely Sony since Sony is a partner.
-New Pokemon game for Wii
February 2011:
-Wii2 announcement coming soonaccording to THQ
March 2011:
-Wii2 announcement coming soonaccording to EA
-AMD working on CPU/GPU combined chip for console due for release @ end of 2012; Told to bring schedule in for earlier release
April 2011:
-Monster Hunter 3DS to be announced soon
-SSFIV3D connects to home console- Hint @ Wii2 from Capcom and 3DS -> Wii2 connectivity
-Wii price drop to $150 on May 15th
-Wii2 announcement @ E3:1080p HD, More powerful than PS360, BC with Wii, release late 2012
-New Wii2 controller has HD screen built in
-Wii2 to use Bluray technology
-Wii2 actually aimed at early 2012 release(1st half 2012) *IGN backs this up in their mailbag*
-Controller Screen is actually a Touch Screen
-Project Cafe: Wii2 Controller is a Tablet:6" touch Screen on Controller, front facing camera & doubles as sensor bar for BC
-Dual Analogs, Streaming & GamesWii2 controller to rival 3DS, NGP, iPhone & iPad apparently
-1st & 3rd Party games @ E3EA, Ubisoft & Capcom all but confirmed
-Wii2 = TriCore PPC & R700 ****GPU w/ 512+MB RamAnother surprise to be shown @ E3
-3rd Parties have had Wii2 Dev Kits for Months, Has better Motion Tracking than Move
-Pikmin 3 moved to Project Cafeto be shown @ E3; Nintendo also in talks with R* for solid AAA support.
-Wii2 launch June 2012; Rockstar delivering game (?GTA V?) during launch window
-Wii2, 3DS & E3!? Oh Yes!!; 3rd Parties taking a front seat this time around.
-Retro working on Wii2 game; and it's "a project everyone wants us to do" (Starfox? Zelda? New Original FPS?)
-Retro's new game is actually Eternal Darkness 2?
-"Where there's smoke, there's fire" - Miyamoto's comment on Project Cafe- He also said not to believe everything you hear though.
-Wii2 controller has a 6.2" screen and 8 buttons
-1up says: No Friend Codes for Wii2
*Post taken from Nintendo World Report forums credit again goes to BlackNMild2k1*
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