When I was at Best Buy picking up some computer parts (yes I know they are overpriced, but I don't really care) they forgot to charge me for my Video card that was almost $300.00. I had been joking around with the cashier and I think she honestly just missed it. Well after laughing and getting checked out I walked out to the parking lot and got to thinking about my total and how it seemed really wrong. It was of course so I went back in and paid for it.
Also a best buy story: My dvd player broke under warranty from Best Buy. They said they couldn't fix it and I needed to come in and pick out a new one which I did. A couple days later they called me twice letting me know I needed to come in and pick out a new one. I then informed them I already had, the guy said are you sure because we don't have you listed as doing it. I assured him I had and he thanked me.
Yes i'm in the major minority I know and a lot of people don't like it (and don't believe) that there are honest people still in the world. Because I am and try to be honest I get the whole "holier than thou" thing which I think is bs. Just because a very few people myself included still believe in honesty we are pretty much labeled idiots or stupid for being such.
I decided a long time ago not to let that bother me as I know the truth and I hope karma catches up to people and they get what they deserve. Anyway, the new cool is being dishonest and living with a chip on your shoulder like the man owes you something. It's sad but it's true.
Also I might add that I'm no angel that thinks only pure thoughts. When I have an oppurtunity to get something for free don't think I don't think about it. But in the end although inside I'm thinking it sometimes sucks to be honest I still do the right thing because it's the right thing and that's how I want my kids to grow up.
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