i just bought a DS about a week ago and im havin loads of fun...the last game boy i ever had was the old gameboy color lol.
but i remember when i was like 8 or 9 me and my friends in the neighbourg hood would gather up on one of our balcony and play together...comparing witch pokemon we catch , play mario , trade games (since no one had a job to buy many so we would rarely have the same games...beside pokemon).
man to do this again...im now 19....and if id ever do that again with the old bunch well i dont think ppl would think were cool lol.
but damn i miss those hot summer days...catchin em all, saving peach ,kickings old school ryu's ass or just saving the world.
i trade a whole load of stuff just to pass on another time like that...no care in the world besides your gameboy and hearing your mom scream "Dinners ready!!!".
not tell me u dont miss those.....
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