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Apparently Nanostray 2 improved over Nanostray 1 in most everyway, so you should buy that one instead.helium_flash
OMG, dude, when I read your post I thought your SIG is what you posted! I was like, what the hell, where did this come from, I was looking all over the forum for a topic of yours that was locked. I was confused. It was funny so I thought I would tell you. :oops:
I just bought the game, I thought it was too good to pass up. It is good for car rides and to pass a couple minutes by, but I also got FFCC so I probably wont spend a lot of time on Nanostary 2 for a while. I think this is easier than Contra 4, and besides, I like a good challenge every now and then. I am currently(as I type this) playing the Challenges to unlock some type of simulator, sounds cool.
Oh, and the touch screen controls make the game easier to fly around in, but it gets difficult because your hand is in the way to see on comming enemys.
Man I hate Nanostray 2. Not because it's ugly but because it's so freaking hard for me. The diffuculty should have been, hard, harder, hardest and not easy, normal, hard. The difficulty of the game is kinda frustrating that I'm not playing it anymore. What a waste of money =(nicorobin23 :P
[QUOTE="nicorobin23"]Man I hate Nanostray 2. Not because it's ugly but because it's so freaking hard for me. The diffuculty should have been, hard, harder, hardest and not easy, normal, hard. The difficulty of the game is kinda frustrating that I'm not playing it anymore. What a waste of money =(tsunamiwave :P
Hahaha nice drawing. I think you got it right but i never said the game SUCKS.
Try playing it if you haven't though, and maybe you could teach me some techniques, "master". *sarcasm*
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