Has been pushed back to Q1 2010? It was originally slated for August release but now it's Feb 17, 2010 according to Gamespot and Gamestop. ARF looked like a great game too. It ismadeby Marvelous, Image Epochand XSEED games which are renowned to be pretty good developers. Seems like the first true JRPG (that actually looks like the developers actually worked on it and put some thought into it) that the Wii has gotten. It has Map Walk and Everything. This truly looks like a great JRPG. I wonder whathappens toall the people that went out and pre-ordered it from Gamestop for the August release? This delay is making me more and more skeptical about a NA release even though itwas stated that it was coming to NA, I hope it doesn't become Japan only because this definitely looks like the type of game that will. Anyway,here's some gameplay video's of it.
ARF Trailer 1
ARF Trailer 2
ARF Trailer 3 + Gameplay 1
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