I got a 3DS and Nintendogs + Cats: French Bulldog & New Friends at launch.
I've been playing it everyday since then and at first the scratches on the touch screen weren't all that noticable. I could usually only seem them if I turned the 3DS off so the screens were black, or if when I take it with me to work on the bus I could sometimes notice them from reflections and stuff. But now I can even start to see the scratches while I'm playing the game, and if I rub my finger over the area where the scratches are it feels kind of rough, like someone used sandpaper. The scratches are also in a big circle pretty much right in the center of the touch screen and there's a few other scratches underneath them. It's just starting to make the touch screen look really ugly.
I guess it's to be expected though, over time I'm sure the scratches would get worse because when you use the stylus it's rubbing plastic on plastic right? It just annoys me because the 3DS just came out, it's only been out just over 2 weeks and it's not like I don't take good care of my electronics. I don't even push that hard with the stylus either, I only apply a small amount of pressure so it registers what I'm doing. I'm almost tempted to just go out and buy another 3DS because I feel like the one I have now is ruined, if the scratches are this bad already I don't even want to think about what they'll look like in the next few months. Or maybe I should just stop doing Lure Coursing on Nintendogs since you have to constantly draw cirlces to make the dog chase the lure?
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