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[QUOTE="Raiko101"]i've seen nothing to suggest Madworld is any good at all.clicketyclickThe art styIe is neat-o. Oh no I didn't mean it like that. Artistically it looks great and the concept, like Smash TV, is both silly and fun. It's just I don't know if the gameplay mechanics will be on par. I shouldn't really complain as it's being developed by the same group responsible for Viewtiful Joe and Okami, if not by name.
Conduit looks like it can be good--really good. The only hiccups are 1). Are the controls going to be smooth (Metroid Corruption currently sets the standard)? and 2). How will the online hold up (with 16 players simultaneously and SSBB having a hard time holding up with four, this could get very interesting)? I just hope they do not try to redefine the FPS genre but simply refine the controls and the rest will be redefined.
Madworld looks like a hit and miss type of game. I'm not saying it is but it does look like it. With the audience Nintendo has been trying to reach, it is not likely that many of those will by this game. But then there is the male audience, casual or not, that would definitely take interest in it. I have a few friends I can think of right now who do not play games often but would love this game. It's going to be interesting how they execute the appeal. If it's good, consistent gamers will gobble it up and a few casual gamers also. If it's bad, Sega may still be able to count on some casual gamers to pick it up. I don't like how it's being released in the same window as Conduit though. Conduit definitely needs to be the killer FPS app the Wii needs.
House of the Dead pretty much is like Madword in terms of audience. Since HotD is a household name for zombie killers though, it will definitely have its fans buying it up. For the other 65% of the audience, I am not sure how they will receive but again, HotD is to zombie killers as Madden is to football--a lot of people know about HotD whether they have played it or not. This could be their first foray into the series.
Sega has been following behind on good games(cough*sonic*cough). Its about time they start making good ones.staticdawgActually SEGA is only publishing many of the anticipated games, they didn't make them. Sad to say that SEGA is not the great developer they used to be.
I still dont understand how people can be excited for House of the Dead Overkill no matter how they dress it up its still an arcade rail shooter which is still a step backwardwebbutIt's really not a step backwards. On the Rails shoot 'em ups have a big following. They're accessable and very sociable when playing co-op. I was never too fussed with such games as a kid, but lately i've enjoyed the genre more and more.
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