Doesn't really matter to me. I would argue I expect an investment like a console to be supported by its company, but I bought mine completelty content with the library available at that time and knowing not much better should be expected. I believe Nintendo has supported it enough for what I paid for it. Everything from here on out is bonus.
I don't expect anything from Nintendo nowadays. They have tragically turned into a mere afterthought and bore of a company for me, shoveling out the expected, and when they do take "risks" they're always eshop IPs and anything mid-tier budget at best is dressed up in familiar clothing. Their online's behind. VC sucks. They barely market. Support to the West is half-assed, to pay it a compliment. Just struck me: Nintendo's about as relevant to me as importing games, only difference is, they're localized. They're a Japanese gaming company whose products hold world-wide appeal and they take steps to make their works accessible, but that's as far as it goes. They are not a global-focused company that holds any real serious interest in any market that's not Japanese.
Subsequently, Nintendo has, frankly, bored me out of interest of what they offer. Well, I'm not there COMPLTELY yet but they in their insularity, neglection, arrogance and stubborn philosophies of many things has me to the point of throwing up my hands in disgust and walking away. I've never wanted to love a company so much, yet hate it so much at the same time.
But I digress. Unless Nintendo undergoes radical and rampant change in various aspects of the way they run their business, I more than likely won't buy anymore of their products.....if they released tomorrow, or in a few years. Things HAVE to change, and not little ones.
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