My 360 broke, and PSP is collecting dust, so right now I'm pretty much just gaming on the DS.
Though I'm not complaining because it has some great games. I won't be needing another console for a while :P
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My 360 broke, and PSP is collecting dust, so right now I'm pretty much just gaming on the DS.
Though I'm not complaining because it has some great games. I won't be needing another console for a while :P
Don't worry about me, I'm just asking a question. :PI do, through i don't really know why you really want to know or care, but i'm answering anyway.
I definitely don't use it as my main console. But I do play my DS every night before I got to sleep and usually during my lunch break at work (if I'm not reading a book).
If my 360 or PS3 broke the DS would probably be my main console though.
I do... I don't reallyplay any of the 11 games on my laptop(although every now and then I'll play a little Portal or HL2), I don't play games on my PSP anymore, so that leaves me with the bundle of joy that is my DS. It iz r teh awsum.
BTW, om my laptop I have:
Tomb Raider Underworld
Prince of Persia(2008)
Prince of Persia ST Trilogy(SoT,TT,WW)
C&C Generals
Battlefield 2142
Quake Wars: Enemy Territory
Half-Life 2
and Counter Strike Source
... and still, I choose my DS. Either I'm crazy or Imy DS is just that much fun...
I use it as my first:D I take my DS everywhere cause if I get bored... tadah! Instant fun. And DS games keep getting better and better. It's just a great console.
Yep. I haven't played with my Wii in ages (Hehe. Never gets old).
So, yeah it is my main console basically.
I haven't turned my PSP on in over 2 years (last time I actually played something was January 2007. I remember because I was on vacation).
I have slowly started to stop playing video games, but i still play my ds once and a whiel just because some games ar just so accessable. Still with lack of great great games i might just buy a new system. Hopefully gta chinatown wars will be good, and i like the sound of scribblenaughts,
I pretty much dedicate my gaming time between the arcade and my DS. However, I can see myself, delving into PC gaming.
Heh, I am genuinely surprised, though maybe I shouldn't be as this is the DS boards :PMaster-Thief-09Liking the new sig :)
[QUOTE="Master-Thief-09"]Heh, I am genuinely surprised, though maybe I shouldn't be as this is the DS boards :PhavokmasterLiking the new sig :) Thanks, just a few games I'm looking forward to.
My DS is all I have right now, but a Nintendo handheld has always been my personal favourite even when I had a PS2, Gamecube and a Xbox in the same room. I had to leave my computer when I moved from Ontario to BC, and my roommates computer that I use for internet can only play a game or two that I like, mainly PokerStars which I just downloaded finally. Otherwise the DS (soon DSi) is all I will really have besides my girlfriends laptop I'm buying her this month or next.
Not that I'm complaining, the DS is quite the snazzy little beast.
My 360 broke, and PSP is collecting dust, so right now I'm pretty much just gaming on the DS.
Though I'm not complaining because it has some great games. I won't be needing another console for a while :P
Nope, I play my pc and ps3 more atm, I do play it everyday though to a certain degree.I used my DS Lite alot but I traded it in and reserved the blue DSi. When I get the DSi it will be my main gaming machine. I have a PS3 but I am not that much into it.
If I still had all my consoles(sold my DSLite for DSi, and 360 got 3 red lights of doom so saving for a new one), it would be this:
DS Lite> Xbox360> Nintendo Wii> PS2> PSP
But when I finally get all my systems back on track it will most likely end up DSi> Xbox360> PSP> Wii> PS2(PSP bumped up
because by then, the new 2009 PSP lineup will have alot of games released).
I am getting back into it despite my PS3, Wii, and PSP. With DQ5, FE, and more, I have too many games to properly allocate enough time to the DS! Right now it is also serving as a portable panini maker. I just put a candle or lighter under it and close it down on the sandwich. There is nothing a DS can't accomplish.
32 and all legit and leagally bought 60% of my income goes towards my DSworld-ender-49My game library doesn't work that way. I'll collect games until I beat them. Then I sell them for the new ones. Every 1/3 games I permanently add to my collection because I really enjoy them or they have wi-fi play that makes the game an endless play. So the most I ever have in my collection is 10-15. It works so that I can keep cycling through games when new titles are released. But over time the collection should grow.
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