I would like a female larvitar, pupitar or Tyranitar at any level. I am willing to trade the following for it: Blissey-lvl48 Eevee egg Gyardos-lvl52 Aerodactyl-lvl39 Machamp-lvl36 Armaldo-lvl47 Giratina-lvl50 Dugtrio-lvl51 Gengar-lvl53 Lucario-lvl48 Infernape-lvl 49 Hippowdon-lvl51 Raichu-lvl27 Drapion-lvl41 Heatran-lvl51 Rhyhorn-lvl41 Omanyte-lvl20 Ariados-lvl50 Pinsir-lvl49 Fearow-lvl48 Uxie-lvl50 azelf-lvl50 Alakazam-lvl48 Luxray-lvl53 Cressillia-lvl50 If there is any other pokemon that you want, i may have it. These are just pokemon i have that are higher levels(Except for Raichu and omanyte. Idk why i put em up there XDDD)
I can give you a free larvitar if you respond on the thread in my sig (and fit the requirements). Otherwise, if you don't fit the requirements, I'll trade for a timid latias, or a bold or calm cresselia.
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